Thursday, July 29, 2010

13 Today

Today Hanna turns 13 so now she is a real teenager, look out world here she comes! Twelve was no picnic, for that matter the past three years have been a rather scary roller coaster ride with this kid. We have had a bit of a lull in the action this summer and goodness knows I hope it lasts forever, but being realistic I am pretty sure that she will provide plenty of adventure ahead.

We will celebrate very little today just because that is all she can handle, especially since we are going camping for the weekend. The gifts are pajamas and coloring and puzzle books from Mom, Dad, and the kids. Jared got her a Guess Who game, mainly because he wants to play it and it gives them something to do when he watches her. We will have tater-tot hot dish (her favorite) and ice cream with Reece's Pieces ( I will pass on those) for dinner tonight.

My birthday wish for Hanna today is for her to find happiness being the adorable bubbly, brown eyed, wonder we broght into our family five years ago. That is all I want for her just to be happy.


  1. no big parties for our challenged kids either. and you know what? I used to feel bad about it but now I'm glad we make that choice. The simple events for them become the most memorable and enjoyable
