I got to do all of that and lots more as I went to Florida with my husband and two oldest daughters. This is something we had dreamed up long ago (about 25 years ago) when we were first married. It was so relaxing to go to a sit down restaurant, order dinner, and have no one there to go nuts so that Mom has to get the food to go, to go swimming and actually swim without kids hanging on you, and to walk on the beach for hours without having to worry about a wheelchair getting stuck in the sand or a kid plopping down and refusing to move.
Jared and Trevor along with help from the rest of the fabulous PCA crew held the fort down at home. Trevor was not at all thrilled to be cleaning up puke less then an hour after we left and getting the pleasure of spending the whole day with Hanna attitude too. Jared did the cooking and they ate plenty well, but as Trevor put it Jared does not believe in eating vegetables so they had none. The kids all survived and that is what matters.
I had to take three calls to deal with medical issues that are coming up, but I guess that is just the way things run around here. There is never a vacation in my line of work as a mom of kids with special needs..
I just need to put this down, my husband says we are doing this again, but next time we will leave Rene` and Karre to hold things together at home and take the boys and we are not waiting another 25 years before we go. I can certainly agree to that idea!
Good for you!