Monday, January 23, 2012

Angry And Maybe A GROUCH TOO

We have 2 girls in wheelchairs right now, some extra work but we have it under control at home. We have one who wants to carry her lunch box on her lap, not a big deal, UNLESS the bus driver decides that he does not want her to do that.

This kid can push herself carrying several things in her lap with no problem at all so what is the big hang up. Apparently she dropped the lunch box on the bus so now they have an issue with it. Well, if she happens to drop it let her pick it up because she can do that easily. Now you might think that I am just being a grouch for no reason. The kid will not tell the guy that she wants to carry her lunch or to leave her alone, but when she gets home she sure will give us a tantrum about the matter. We had one of those last week about this and I would just rather not go there again if I do not have too.

There are lots of situations where these kids can not be treated like average teenagers, when there are little things that they can do and someone does not let them do it I get a little crazy about that.

I guess I have to make a call to the bus company and put this in writing. I just love having to write letters about stupid stuff like this don`t-ya-know.

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