Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chilled Just A Bit

It is a little bit chilly here this morning, okay it is down right cold outside but the sun is shining and it will warm up in time. Two of my kids had chilly issues this morning as well.

Hanna ate a frozen croissant, yes it was really frozen, straight from the freezer. I have no idea why she did not put it in the microwave as she usually does. When I told her to stop eating that and warm it up she stuffed the whole thing in her mouth. Eating frozen croissants does a wonderful job of destroying the orthodontic work in the mouth, guess we will be making a trip to Gillette much sooner than I would like. Sometimes I think the mess in her brain rearranges itself every day.

When I took Paul out to wait for the bus he was trying to march on the ice. He fell down several times, he slipped and slid but kept right on trying, and then he says "this to hard for big boys I be little". I think he better just practice his marching in the gym at school until the ice is gone.

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